Monday, 22 August 2016

It's in, but there's no room at the inn....

Just a quick update from today. It's been a long day....

Arrived this morning and started the pre-meds - a diaretic, anti-sickness and steroids (all IV) combined with a myriad of tablets too.

There was a delay in the chemotherapy drug called Melphalan - it's so toxic that it's made up in the lab and only has an expiry life of around 2-3 hours. Upon checking it, the pharmacist noticed some matter floating in it and rejected it - therefore a new batch had to be made. This meant I only received it at around 4pm. That also means I will only received my stem cells tomorrow at around 4pm (there has to be 24 hours between).

Unfortunately there was an urgent admission, someone who is very poorly and therefore I will be spending the night on the day unit - which is now closed, as there are no spare beds.

I've got the whole unit to myself 😃😃😃

So step 1 is complete - the High Dose Chemotherapy is in my system - I'm likely to feel the full effects by weekend.

I'll get moved onto the ward at some point tomorrow when they manage to create some room and will hopefully receive my stem cells too.

Will update tomorrow......

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