Saturday, 15 October 2016

(a) Pathy, Pain, Pastry and Pride

Its been a good while since my last blog and you'll understand the reasons for that once you've read on.

My last blog was on day 16 of total isolation. Those that follow me on Social Media @SteveMartlew will know that I was released, sorry, allowed to come home, on day 18. That was 18 days of isolation and 16 days post transplant. I write this on day 46 post transplant.

Firstly my blood results are fairly stable, there's the odd blip here and there, but overall the doctors are incredibly pleased with my progress, as I am. I seriously under estimated how poorly I would be both in hospital and initially when I came home and how slow recovery would be. This week has been the first week when I have begun to feel fitter and stronger.

My recovery hasn't been aided by people who I thought were friends, who I thought loved me and cared for me. Knowing what I and my family had been through, not just since July but throughout 2016, these people decided to hurt me and my family and the emotional strain that this has caused has certainly delayed my recovery and has changed my future significantly.

I have always been a busy person. I am busy at work and busy at home with junior football and cricket commitments, my governor role at Mabs Cross Primary School which I am incredibly proud of as well as "normal" family life. So to go from being on the go all the time to just sitting all day because by simply walking upstairs you become exhausted, has been a major culture shock and something I have really struggled with. These last 3 weeks have been a real struggle as I sit alone all day, waiting for the children to come home from school, not able to go anywhere for fear of infection, but not able to do anything else. Daytime TV is shocking, other than the food channel and its this that has inspired me to start baking.

Baking gives me something to work my mind on, its an art that I'm keen to master and it uses time up in the day. I've had a go at making Madeira cake, Flapjacks, Treacle Toffee, Banoffee Pie and Baked Egg Custard all with varying degrees of success. I'm gonna have a bash at biscuits and Carrott Cake next week and I've already had requests to bake a Christmas Cake and Christmas Pudding!!! I've bought things like ceramic baking beans for baking pastry cases blind as well as new tins, cases and utensils whereas in the supermarket Id normally be more interested in the beer isle!!

I'm keen to get stuck into some real work though and I have one eye on getting back to work as soon as possible. The doctors are keen for me to have 3 months off work post transplant, however I need the mental stimulation, hustle and bustle of my job much, much sooner. There's only so much dough you can knead. I hope to be back before Christmas doing the job I love and making a difference to peoples lives.

Finally last night I was invited by friend and colleague Councillor Chris Ready to be part of the Our Stars Awards ceremony. An annual event that celebrates the contribution volunteers make to our communities in Wigan. I knew I had been nominated for an award but certainly didn't expect to win anything. However I am very honoured, proud and humbled to have won Volunteer of the Year 2016 in recognition for the work I have done around junior football, junior cricket and at Mabs Cross Primary School.

I got into volunteering like most people do through their kids. Liam wanted to play football and cricket and so I became involved in junior sport at the same time I also got involved in the governing body, 12 years ago. My vision for junior sport was never to find the next Andrew Flintoff or Wayne Rooney it was always to provide an opportunity for as many children, from whatever background, to get involved in sport and hopefully make better citizens of the future by teaching them the correct values of life.

My vision for Mabs Cross is slightly different as my role in more accountable, however I want Mabs Cross to be the best Primary School in Wigan so that the children that go there are happy, safe and are given the best education to give them the best life chances possible.

I hope I will be remembered for that rather than any awards, although by someone saying thank you does make it all worthwhile.